This program is designed to help people overcome important communication barriers that negatively impact help-seeking, support or care, or prevent the establishment and maintenance of a good relationship between care team members (e.g. individual seeking care or support; caregivers, providers and professionals) throughout the recovery process. This program aims to improve how caregivers and providers listen to, as well as engage and communicate with people at-risk or people diagnosed with an Eating Disorder at various stages of recovery (in various settings).
We focus on helping care team members gain critical insights on what to say and how to say it, including:
- Understanding Signs and Symptoms in the Person I am Caring For (a.k.a. Early Identification)
- What do I do now?
- Meeting Care Providers for the First Time
- Meeting a Person with an Eating Disorder for the First Time
- What to Say when Involving Families and Caregivers in Care Planning / Transition Planning?
- Explain to me What Can go Wrong when we are back at home? [a.k.a. Monitoring, Relapse Prevention]
- What can I say or do to Support Recovery?
- What should I avoid saying or doing to Support Recovery?
- What do I need to know about Transitioning between levels of care (e.g. less intensive to intensive)?
- What do I need to know about Transitioning between youth mental health care and adult care?