In-Depth, Information, Links & Resources


Centre for Clinical Interventions
This Australian resource provides accessible and useful information on issues related to Eating Disorders and its online workbook includes two specific Eating Disorder modules.


Journey of Embodiment at the Intersection of Body and Culture.
The Developmental Theory of Embodiment.Dr. Niva Piran, Ph.D., is Professor, Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development at OISE/University of Toronto. Her book provides a new perspective on the interactions between the social environment of girls and women of different social locations and their embodied experience of engagement with the world around them. View Flyer

One Woman’s Final Year After a Lifelong Struggle with Anorexia and Bulimia. Michelle Stewart, the author of Michelle’s Voice blog, passed on in 2014. Shell is a compilation of her blogs that put a compelling and intimate face to the disease. Click on the link to watch Kirk Mason and Karen Flello talk to Global News about Michelle Stewart’s story and her poetic memoir about experiencing a terminal illness. Watch the video

The Body Image Survival Guide for Parents.
Kids as young as five are dying to be “perfect” and fit in. Parents are feeling powerless. This book helps them both. By Marci Warhaft-Nadler

Brave Girl Eating.
A Family’s Struggle with Anorexia. By Harriett Brown.

Why you binge eat and how to stop. By Cynthia M. Bulik Ph.D

Gürze Books

A Parent’s Guide to Defeating Eating Disorders.
By Dr. Karin Jasper and Dr. Ahmed Boachie.

Tribute & Inspirational Links
A story of an Eating Disorder, loss and hope.

Articles, Videos & Talks Worthy of Your Attention

Read “Still Standing,” Judy Krasna’s inspirational post on the F.E.A.S.T. (the global support & education community of and for parents of those with Eating Disorders).
Read the article

Read Wency Leung’s article on the release of the Canadian Eating Disorders Strategy: Globe and Mail, November 7, 2019.

Read the article

Read the UK House of Commons follow-up report: Ignoring the Alarms – Too many avoidable deaths from Eating Disorders.

Read the Report

Listen to Anita Federici, PhD, C.Psych. giving a radio interview on CFRB Newstalk 1010 on her petition “My Patient is Dying and We Can’t Access Treatment.”

Listen Here

Sign the Petition Here

Genes linked to Eating Disorders identified. Read the ABC News (Australia) article about a major international study’s findings.

Read the article

World Eating Disorder action day spreads message of support and awareness.
Read The Toronto Sun story by Joanne Richard recognizing World Eating Disorder Action Day – June 2, 2019.

Read the article

Informative Binge Eating Disorder (BED) Video. Watch the video

Eating Disorder sufferer creates brutally honest illustrations of her disease.
Read the Buzz Feed article on Christie Begnell’s visual representation of her Eating Disorder.

Read the article

“I saw food as the enemy”: Article in the Ottawa Citizen on radio host Katherine Dines.
Read how Katherine Dines is now speaking out publicly about the Eating Disorder she his for years.

Read the article

Eating Disorder Research gets a new direction.
Read the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) post about the UK National Institute for Health Research-supported initiative to set a 10-point agenda for Eating Disorders research.

Read the article

Strategizing for Change: A review of the 2016 EDAC 2016 Conference.
Read Andrea LaMarre’s Science of Eating Disorderspost on the 2016 conference held in Winnipeg, Manitoba September 28, 29 & 30.

Read the review

UK teenagers with Eating Disorders must be seen by a specialist doctor within a month.
Read about former British Prime Minister David Cameron’s initiative to trigger a revolution in mental health treatment in the UK.

Read article

UK group invests £320,000 (over CAD$660,000!) for a new Eating Disorders service for young people aged eight to 18.
Read how the enlightened Hull and East Riding Clinical Commissioning Groups are investing in a new service launched after a sudden spike in the number of young people admitted to hospital.

Read article

How Monitoring Your Child’s Growth Chart Could Help Prevent an Eating Disorder.
Read Lauren Muhlheim’s informative article on warning signs and early intervention.

Read article

Could the Microbiome cure Eating Disorders?
Read Carrie Arnold’s fascinating article on research into gut microbes and their possible impact on Eating Disorders.

Why aren’t more doctors treating Eating Disorders?
The Globe and Mail’s Wency Leung probes the causes and effects of our society’s discrimination against Eating Disorders.

When the impulse to be thin never grows old.
A powerful article by National Post Health reporter Sharon Kirkey explores Eating Disorders among middle-aged women. Includes moving “lived experience” stories and embedded videos.

How are colleges and universities helping students with Eating Disorders?
Watch this informative Evidence Exchange Network (EENet) webinar that looked at how to best support a student who may have an Eating Disorder. The presenters are Debbie Berlin-Romalis, BSW, MSW, RSW, Social Worker/Psychotherapist, Executive Director, Sheena’s Place. Lauren Drouillard, MSW, RSW, Social Worker, Program Manager, Sheena’s Place. Coti Maclaughlin-Grant, 2nd Year student, Child and Youth Work Program. Created on January 28, 2015, the webinar is part of EENet’s “Ask the Experts” series. Link to the webinar here

How to Talk to Your Daughter About her Body.
Read Sarah Koppelkam’s thoughtful Huff Post Parents blog.

Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Steps Up Efforts to Treat Eating Disorders.
Read the Ottawa Sun article that includes a picture of NIED founder Wendy Preskow with Dr. Mark Norris.

No treatment for those affected by Eating Disorders in Ireland.
Read this telling article from The Irish Examiner. Seems like we in Canada are not alone.

A statement in support of Eating Disorders Awareness Week in the B.C. Legislature.
Watch B.C. MLA, Jane Thornthwaite (North Vancouver-Seymour) present a statement in the B.C. Legislature during Eating Disorders Awareness Week, February 2015.

Eating Disorders and Parenting in 2015.
Read Joe Kelly’s excellent article on responding to a child with an Eating Disorder. Worth sharing!

Eating Disorders are a scourge in need of a strategy.
Read André Picard’s powerful article, published in The Globe And Mail on December 2, 2014.

Two-part online report on Canada’s Eating Disorder crisis.
Global News National ran a two-part TV and online report on the Eating Disorders crisis in Canada. View Parliamentary Correspondent Vassey Kapelos’s powerful reports here: Part One Two

More compelling reading and watching:

Read about the opening of a new 12-bed Eating Disorders Unit at Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences in Whitby, Ontario. The first-of-its-kind program in Ontario.

Read the Huffington PostCanadablog on Eating Disorders in Canada written by MP (Etobicoke North) Kirsty DuncanPh.D. (now the Hon. Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science). 

Read about a Newfoundland and Labrador Eating Disorder sufferer’s experience in Emergency.

Read about an Eating Disorder sufferer’s Crowdsourcing campaign online.

Desperate Ontario family turns to Crowdsourcing to fund Eating Disorder treatment for their critically ill daughter.

Exposing Canada’s ugly mental-health secret. Article in The Globe and Mail, October 13, 2013.

Dr Blake Woodside on CTV talking about the launch of the new National Eating Disorders Foundation on Friday, October 4, 2013.

Eating Disorders: What you “NIED” to know. Article in Healthy Living magazine by Dr. Heather Wheeler, member of the NIED Team.

XX in Health – Canadian Women Changing Health – Wendy Preskow, founder of NIED, included in the first annual list of Canadian Women Changing Healthcare that spotlights women who are changing the face of healthcare.

Online science-based articles related to binge-eating disorder.

Anorexia Awareness Video – dedicated to all those suffering from an Eating Disorder.

Toronto Star article on Deep Brain Stimulation.

Global Saskatoon interview with Treena Wynes, food addiction councilor, on Eating Disorders in men. – interviews/video

Eating Disorders from the Inside Out: Dr. Laura Hill at TEDxColumbus.;search%3ADr%20laura%20hill

BBC News – MSP whose daughter died of eating disorder leads debate.

What NOT to Say to a Friend With an Eating Disorder.

16:9 Boys and Men: Dying to be thin.

Israeli government launches new anorexia laws.

A Parent’s Guide to Defeating Eating Disorders. Webinar.

Australia’s shock Eating Disorder statistics

Manitoba’s Progressive Conservatives say Eating Disorders patients face “unacceptable” wait times.

Download NIED’s special booklet Understanding Starts Here that includes sections on Eating Disorder Recovery, Approaching Someone with an Eating Disorder, Tips for Parents, Families, Spouses & Significant Others and Resources.

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